BTHCP 015 Practical Nutrition
If you are looking for research backed advice on what exactly makes up a healthy diet and also need help deciphering fake nutrition news from real nutrition news this is the show for you! Welcome to the Back to Health Chiropractic Podcast I’m your host Dr. Marc Dupuis on this show we discuss tips, tools […]
BTHCP 010: Can Coconut Oil Actually Kill You?
Welcome to the Back to Health Chiropractic Podcast I’m your host Dr. Marc Dupuis on this show we discuss tips, tools and strategies to improve the health & wellness of you and your family! Coconut oil has recently come under attack by none other than the American Heart Association. The American Heart Association has […]
BTHCP 007: Interview with Amazon #1 Best Selling Author, Dr. Robert Silverman “Take care of your body, it’s the only place you have to live”
The information you are about to hear is for education purposes only. Please consult your doctor before attempting to implement anything covered in the following episode. In this podcast you will learn: Why your gut is the key to your overall health & wellness How & why increased inflammation can contribute to chronic pain […]