The Negative Effects of Forward Head Posture on Health & Performance!
I’m your host Dr. Marc Dupuis on this show we discuss tips, tools and strategies to improve the health & wellness of you and your family! New forward head posture study, just came out this past July 2022 Journal of Sport Rehabilitation: high level journalComparison of Sensorimotor Integration and Skill-Related Physical Fitness Components Between College […]
Improvement in Autistic Behaviors Following Chiropractic Care: A Case Series
Today we are going to discuss a 2011 Case Series titled, Improvement in Autistic Behaviors Following Chiropractic Care. This case series was published in the Journal Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health, in December of 2011. As many of you are all too well aware, the rate of Autism is rising at an extremely alarming rate. […]
Survival Value. The most important calculation you can use to help gauge your total health & healing capacity
Let’s get started. Today’s conversation deals with the term: Survival Value. First coined in 1915 by philosopher Elbert Hubbard, What is Survival Value? Survival Value is one of the key tenets of Chiropractic Philosophy and it is based on universal laws. Because it is based on universal laws, it is applicable to every woman, man […]